Oregon’s commercial Dungeness crab catch is down so far this season but the price fishermen are getting for their catch is buoying the fleet’s spreadsheets.
Tim Johnson, who had served as Lincoln County’s first administrator for nearly three years, resigned Friday after apparent dissatisfaction by commissioners with his work.
Merkley and Hoyle did not hold back their opinions about the Trump administration.
Lincoln County Commissioner Casey Miller violated personnel rules by publicly disclosing confidential issues concerning the county’s top administrator but did not bully or harass staff with a statement or questions during September and October public meetings, outside investigators have found.
Lincoln County Commissioner Kaety Jacobson, a popular and hardworking community leader and politician, announced Friday she is resigning from the commission Feb. 14 with two years left in her term.
A team of police investigators from Lane County is trying to sort out two shooting deaths Thursday night and Friday on a remote farm deep in the foothills of the Oregon Coast Range.
Benton County Sheriff’s deputies using ODOT grants to try to make Newport-to-Philomath highway saferHighway 20 from the Lincoln County line to Philomath has been a focus for the Benton County Sheriff’s Office this year because of the spike in driver deaths.
Lincoln County commissioners Wednesday extended a years-old moratorium on new vacation rental licenses for another three months, but also said it was time to examine how the new licensing, inspection and enforcement programs are working.
A Lincoln County grand jury found a Lincoln County Sheriff’s deputy justified in his use of deadly force in November when he shot and killed a 38-year-old Waldport woman after she pointed an AK-47 assault rifle at him.
An attempt by Lincoln County commissioners to conduct their first evaluation of administrator Tim Johnson in 2½ years went awry Wednesday when Johnson didn’t show up to participate.
Daniel Roeser admits there may have been a time or two this summer when his work helping assemble a five-foot-long autonomous miniboat felt a bit like drudgery.
21 days after Nov. 5 general election, Claire Hall declared winner in Lincoln County commission raceThe final, unofficial results released Tuesday evening showed that Hall won the race over Rick Beasley by 115 votes.