Eugene voters are considering whether to renew a street repair
bond in the November 7 th special election.
If measure 20-275 is approved, it would generate approximately
$9.5 million annually for 5 years. Of that, an average of
$1 million a year would be used to support bicycle and
pedestrian projects. The rest would go to fix or repair 78 streets
throughout the city. Brian Richardson is Eugene Public Works
Spokesman. He says the city is trying to avoid having to spend
more money than they have to.
Brian Richardson: “If passed, the money here would be used to
rebuild or resurface streets, and the goal for our pavement
preservation program is always to resurface a street rather than
rebuild it because it is cheaper and more cost-effective.”
This bond is a renewal of two earlier voter-passed measures. If
approved, it would cost the typical home owner $148.
That’s $20 more than before, because of property value
Critics of the bond say it doesn’t give enough attention to bicycle
and pedestrian infrastructure.
Richardson says the city will work with bicycle and pedestrian
groups to identify future projects that could be funded by the
The City has completed nearly $81.8 million in street preservation
work since 2002, the beginning of Eugene’s pavement
preservation program.