Tomorrow, rallies across the nation will be held in conjunction with the March for Our Lives event in Washington D.C. As KLCC’s Brian Bull reports, young Eugenians and their supporters will also be marching.
Jivan Jot Khalsa is a freshman at South Eugene High. She says for years, she and her peers have been frustrated by grownups’ inability to change things following one school shooting after another…that is, until Parkland, Florida…when officials, the NRA, and 2nd Amendment advocates were put on the defensive.
“And I think it really took the students and the youth to just say ‘We’ve had enough, and we don’t want this to happen anymore to our peers and to us…and to anyone.'”

Khalsa and another organizer, Sheldon High 10th grader Grace Foltz say when they last checked, the event’s Facebook page showed 1,000 people planning to join them.
“Having so many marches across the nation really shows the sense of unity," Foltz tells KLCC.
"There’s a lot of people that want regulations. If you want safe schools, then this is the march for you.”
Khalsa adds this event is not to attack anyone’s political party or their take on the 2nd Amendment, but rather to promote sensible gun regulations and safer schools.
Saturday’s observance will start at 11am at the Wayne Morse Federal Courthouse. It’ll culminate in a march ending at Whirled Pies at 8th and Charnelton.
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