Oregon On The Record
Monday-Thursday following the 2:00pm broadcast
On Oregon On The Record we bring you interviews and conversations about issues that matter most to western and central Oregon. From important topics in politics, the economy, education, the environment and more, Oregon on the record will move beyond the headlines and delve deeper into stories that matter to our community.
Latest Episodes
A conversation with Amy Handler, the new President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Oregon.
A conversation with professor David Hurwitz of Oregon State University and City of Eugene planner Shane Rhodes about better ways for bikes and cars to coexist.
A conversation with Olivia McClelland, supervisor for the Lane County Mobile Crisis Response Program.
A conversation with medical professionals who helped Oregon On The Record host Michael Dunne heal from a serious injury.
KLCC reporters Rebecca Hansen-White and Nathan Wilk, and Amanda Lurey of The Chronicle, join KLCC News Director Chris Lehman for a discussion of their recent reporting in Oregon.
A conversation with Representative Susan McLain and Senator Chris Gorsek, chairs of the Oregon Joint Committee on Transportation, about solutions to our transportation challenges.
A conversation with Michelle Barnhart, Ph.D. and Aimee Huff, Ph.D., Associate Professors of Marketing at Oregon State University about how the gun industry gets customers to buy its products.
A conversation with The Register Guard and Oregon Health Authority about the prevalence of guns in Oregon.
A conversation on local and national politics with Oregon Senator Ron Wyden.
A conversation with Eugene Springfield Fire Chief, Mike Caven and Fire Marshall Althea Sullivan.