If you spend anytime in our community’s urban core, you can hardly help but occasionally come across someone experiencing a mental health crisis. Day or night, there are people desperately struggling to maintain the bare minimum of what we might unartfully describe as normal.
And chances are you’ve seen these individuals and thought that as a community we need to do more.
This edition of Oregon On The Record addresses, at least in part, the effort to do just that.
Lance County and PeaceHealth plan to open a Stabilization Center that will treat people in a behavioral health crisis and connect them to long-term solutions.
You’ll hear from Alicia Beymer, Chief Administrative Officer at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend, and Lane County Behavioral Health Project Manager Britni D’Eliso about what the center will do, how it will operate and how it will hopefully help more and more of our community members in crisis.