Lane County has been awarded over $3.5 million dollars to fund homeless assistance programs in 2020. It’s from the US Department of Housing and Urban…
The Board of Lane County Commissioners this week discussed winter strategies for homeless services. They’re looking at how to better serve unsheltered…
A memorial was held Friday for a 57-year old woman who died on the streets of Eugene. Her death has once again raised the question of why more isn’t being…
Not all homeless youth sleep on city benches or in tents. In fact, advocates say most unhoused kids in Lane County “couch surf” from place to place. And…
Every homeless kid out there has a story. In Part 2 of our series, “Hidden in Plain Sight,” KLCC’s Tiffany Eckert shares the difficult experiences of a…
Homelessness is a pressing social issue confronting communities around the country and across Oregon. In Lane County, officials acknowledge a growing…
Organizations working to end youth homelessness in Lane County face increased need and limited resources. The county is applying for a grant through the…
A group of youth took to the streets of Eugene last week to hand out care packages to people experiencing homelessness. The bags contained standard items…
After 8 years, Shelley Corteville has stepped down as director of Egan Warming Center, a network of sites where homeless people can keep warm when temps…
St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County has received a $2 million gift that will enable it to open a home for local teen boys who are homeless. St. Vincent de…