The National Tsunami Warning Center says there is no longer a tsunami threat for the southern Oregon and northern California coast.
The Oregon House voted Friday to advance a measure that would establish building standards for critical infrastructure in tsunami zones. It comes after…
An Oregon House panel advanced a measure Thursday that would establish building standards for critical infrastructure in tsunami zones.Last year, Oregon…
A new Oregon law that relaxes rules against building schools, hospitals and fire stations in tsunami zones prompted a backlash Tuesday at a meeting of…
Oregon is among 12 states to receive Enhanced Mitigation status from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.States with Enhanced Mitigation Plans have…
Scientists say the northwest is due for an earthquake and tsunami as big as the one that struck Japan nearly four years ago. That could spell trouble for…
December 26 is the 10-year anniversary of the Boxing Day earthquake that struck off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. Since the devastating earthquake and…
City Club of Eugene - Oregon’s Geology: Scientists Warn of Hazards, But Do Lawmakers & Agencies Respond?Meeting date: October 10, 2014KLCC air date:…
A governor appointed task force drafted recommendations to address the dangers of a major earthquake and tsunami this week at Oregon state university. If…
At around 10 am today (Friday), a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck off the Japanese coast. Experts say there is no danger for a tsunami to hit the West…