Oregon’s Land Board approves ‘precedent setting’ plan to put Elliott State Forest in a carbon marketThe decision, which officials said would fight climate change, makes Oregon the second state after Michigan to dedicate an entire state forest to storing harmful emissions while selling carbon credits for revenue
A federal appeals court has sided with environmental groups over logging private land that was once part of the Elliott State Forest.
The announcement marks a major roadblock for the 82,000-acre forest that’s been immersed in controversy for more than a decade.
The Elliott State Forest took a big step recently on its way to becoming the country’s largest research forest, by finding a site for its headquarters.
The Elliott State Forest in southwest Oregon gets permanent protection under a bill approved this week by the legislature.
A public open house about the future of the Elliott State Forest will be held in Roseburg Tuesday evening.Oregon State University is proposing that a…
Oregon State University will hold community listening sessions June 4-6 about the future of Elliott State Forest. They’re considering using the forest for…
Conservation groups are cheering Monday after the Joint Ways and Means Committee in Salem advanced $100 million in bonds to protect the Elliott State…
Two new members of Oregon’s State Land Board voted Tuesday to move forward with the controversial sale of the Elliott State Forest – despite opposition…
Oregon’s attempt to sell off the Elliott State Forest has drawn only one bid. Wednesday the Oregon Department of State Lands disclosed the offer came from…
Four conservation groups have filed a lawsuit against the Oregon Board of Forestry. They say the agency isn’t doing enough to protect a threatened…
The State of Oregon has come up with a value for a forest in Southern Oregon that it wants to sell.The Elliott State Forest is worth two-hundred and…