Hundreds of thousands of birds and bats die each year from hitting wind turbines. Now Oregon State University researchers are looking to reduce those collisions with a simple paint scheme.
The urban district was inundated with thousands of these boisterous corvids this winter. Where did they all go?
Twice a year, Vaux’s Swifts migrate through the Willamette Valley. The little birds fly non-stop all day, gobbling up insects. When it’s time to roost for…
An outbreak of bacterial illness in finches has spurred some bird lovers to take down their backyard feeders. But local Eugene avian experts say that’s…
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said they are seeing an increase in reports of sick birds on yards and at feeders. The ODFW recommends people…
Oregon hunters are once again being asked to turn in the wings and tails of any grouse or quail they kill this fall.It’s part of a long-term research…
Improvements to sustainability efforts at Lane Community College could involve students searching for bird carcasses around the campus.Let’s cut cats some…
People walking Oregon's beaches this fall may come across juvenile shorebirds that seem to be distressed or ill. Wildlife experts say it's best to leave…