Five Northwest conservation groups have joined the federal government in defending a program to kill barred owls in the Pacific Northwest to protect the threatened northern spotted owl.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced the opening of a new conservation area in the Willamette Valley.
A conservation group says it’s going to sue the U.S. Forest Service for failing to protect a rare and threatened species in Oregon.
Two wolves were illegally killed in November and conservation groups are offering rewards totalling $26,500 for information leading to arrests of those responsible.
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has released a draft recovery plan for the Oregon spotted frog, which was federally declared a threatened species in 2014 and is at risk of becoming endangered.
A butterfly that’s native to Oregon will be removed from the endangered species list after more than two decades.
Environmental groups are challenging the Trump administration’s decision to remove the gray wolf from the federal endangered species list. Multiple…
The Trump administration has slashed protections for imperiled northern spotted owls on 3.4 million acres of Northwest forests, opening up the land to…
The monarch butterfly was turned down by the Trump administration on Tuesday when the government declined to use the powers of the Endangered Species Act…
It’s been more than a decade since White-Nose Syndrome began ravaging bat populations across the East Coast. Now the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has…
Federal wildlife officials are taking a new look at the status of the threatened northern spotted owl. Despite decades of efforts to save the species, it…
With a shrinking population and habitat, the greater sage-grouse is being considered for listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the…