Dead Air's Downtown Deb voted Best Radio DJ in 2022.
The 2022 Native Media Awards have been announced, and KLCC reporter Brian Bull has won four for his reporting last year.
The lives and struggles of Eugene’s earliest Black residents are the focus of a Lane County History Museum exhibit. KLCC’s Nathan Wilk reports.
This summer, KLCC was pleased to have news reporting intern Jen Wright through theCharles Snowden Program for Excellence in Journalism. Jen, a native…
The Native American Journalists Association (NAJA) has announced its winners from more than 730 print, web, TV, and radio entries from across the U.S. and…
After judging nearly 1300 entries, the Public Media Journalists Association has announced two wins for KLCC: 2nd place for Division B, Audio Engagement…
KLCC competed in the small newsroom division of the Society for Professional Journalism Region 10 Northwest Excellence in Journalism Contest for 2020. The…
KLCC News has been recognized with five 2021 Regional Edward R. MurrowAwards by the Radio Television Digital News Association. This is the most KLCC has…
Carl Stolz, long time host of Blues Power on KLCC, died last week at age 69. Stolz hosted Blues Power for 20 years, taking over the program in 2000 after…
Former KLCC General Manager Jim Dunne has died. He was 96-years-old. Dunne chaired the Lane Community College Media Arts Department from 1977 to 1990. For…
It's been quite the year, to say the least, but we've managed to make it this far and while this holiday season will no doubt be missing so many things…
The Native American Journalists Association (NAJA) has announced its annual list of winners in its national Native media awards competition.KLCC won first…